When I applied for my present position, I have no idea how
great it is. Last June I just submitted my master thesis in University of
Stavanger, Norway and started seeking chances for PhD. I studied
Offshore Technology-Risk Management in Norway and hold a bachelor degree from
China in Oil and Gas Storage and Transportation Engineering. I accidently saw this position on EURAXESS
and applied in the mid of June just before the deadline. After two months’ waiting (suffering), I
received the invitation for interview, and at the beginning of September I got
the offer. Since last December, I started my PhD.
Now after I get involved in and I have a full understanding
of the whole project, I must say this is the best PhD program that I can ever imagine!
I am so lucky to be selected. It is more like a trainee program between
industries and universities. We are also being called as Early Stage
Researchers (ESRs). My main base is in Berlin, BAM Federal Institute for
Materials Research and Testing, but my PhD enrolment is in Technical University
of Denmark. I enjoy this kind of way of cultivating so much maybe because I
have two times of summer training program experiences and I get used to it and I
enjoy working as a team.
Group photo taken by ESR2 Antoine Bassil
If you want to pursue a PhD and enjoy cooperation and
communication with people just like me, like to travel and work in different
places, look forward to build close connection with industries, you should
definitely apply for Marie Skłodowska-Curie ITN PhD program! How to apply? Keep
your eyes open and search http://ec.europa.eu/research/mariecurieactions/and never lose hope J
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